Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 111-120 of 712

Festival of Nature at The Ridges

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsFESTIVAL OF NATURE

The Ridges Sanctuary, Baileys Harbor

May 24, 2018


A celebration of the natural beauty of Door County. Field trips and nature activities for all ages. $25-$90, cost varies based on type and length of field trip.  DETAILS!


Blessing of the Fleet in Baileys Harbor

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsBLESSING OF THE FLEET

Baileys Harbor

May 19, 2018


Bring your personal boat to receive a blessing. Meet w/ship captains and enjoy a fish boil, live music, food & drinks, and arts & crafts fair all day. Free.  DETAILS AND SCHEDULE OF EVENTS HERE!


Door County Scottie Rally

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsDOOR COUNTY SCOTTIE RALLY

Baileys Harbor Townhall

May 19, 2018

Door County Scotty Rally held in Baileys Harbor.  Featuring the Clan Donald Drum & Pipe Corps.  11 AM at Baileys Harbor Town hall.  DETAILS!



Blossom Run in Egg Harbor

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsBLOSSOM RUN

Egg Harbor Marina

May 12, 2018

Annual Door County YMCA Blossom Run in Egg Harbor.  Registration is at 9 AM.   Race Starts at 8:30 AM. Fun, family event for all ages. Choose from a 5-mile run, a 2-mile walk-run or a 1-mile youth run.   Join in the "Live Strong" relay at 9:30am.  MORE INFORMATION HERE!


Door County Half Marathon

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsDOOR COUNTY HALF MARATHON

Peninsula State Park

May 5, 2018

Named one of the Midwest’s best races by, participants enjoy a closed, USATF-certified road course in Peninsula State Park. Post-race party with food, Door County Brewing Co. beer and live music. For more information and to register CLICK HERE!


Short Film Fest Encore at The Clearing

by Connie Erickson


The Clearing in Ellison Bay

April 21, 2018

An encore presentation of the most popular films from the 2018 Door County Short Film Festival. Free popcorn, pizza, and cider available for purchase.  MORE INFORMATION HERE!

Baileys Harbor's Brown Trout Tournament

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsBAILEYS HARBOR'S BROWN TROUT TOURNAMENT

Baileys Harbor

April 19, 2018


The Baileys Harbor Brown Trout Tournament will be held April 19-22, 2018 put on by the Baileys Harbor Community Association. There is over $7,000 in prizes to be won!  READ MORE!



Spring Hike at Peninsula State Park

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsSPRING HIKE IN PENINSULA STATE PARK

Peninsula State Park, Fish Creek

April 5, 2018

Look for migrating shorebirds, listen for sandhill cranes, and identify trees and shrubs, a few that may be in early bud. Discover the history of Claflin Point by visiting a nearby pioneer cemetery. Bring binoculars if you have them. Counts as a Like to Hike activity. Easy hiking, less than a mile, trail may be muddy. Meet at Weborg Shelter. Free. Park vehicle sticker required.  READ MORE!


Plum & Pilot Island History at Maritime Speaker Series

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsMARITIME SPEAKER SERIES

Door County Maritime Museum, Sturgeon Bay

April 5, 2018



Paul Schumacher will describe the history of Plum and Pilot Islands, the shipwrecks around the islands, and the USFWS and FOPPI efforts to restore the historic Coast Guard buildings on both islands.  LEARN MORE!


The Play's the Thing at Bjorklunden

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsTHE PLAY'S THE THING

Bjorklunden, Baileys Harbor

April 2, 2018 - 7 PM

Peninsula Players Theatre announces the 2018 season of The Play’s the Thing, a winter play reading series presented to Door County audiences. Fully cast readings of the plays will be performed at Björklunden at 7590 Boynton Lane, Baileys Harbor Mondays, February 5, March 5 and April 2 at 7 p.m. General seating is available, no admission fee.  READ ON....



Displaying blog entries 111-120 of 712




Contact Information

Photo of Connie Erickson Real Estate
Connie Erickson
Door County Realty, Shorewest, REALTORS®
10580 Country Walk Dr., #12
Sister Bay WI 54234

These Are Connie Erickson's Core Values

The Best In Personal Service