Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 181-190 of 712

Sister Bay Easter Egg Hunt

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsSISTER BAY EASTER EGG HUNT

Waterfront Park, Sister Bay

April 15, 2017

Egg hunt for toddlers to High School-aged kids! Please bring a basket or bag for each child, none will be provided. All children will start @ 10:30 p.m. Children 3 years & younger meet on the south end of Waterfront Park (by the Sister Bay Yacht Club).
Kids pre-K through high school meet at the playground.


Super Bowl-A-Thon Fundraiser

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsSUPER BOWL-A-THON FUNDRAISER

Sister Bay Bowl in Sister Bay

April 8, 2017

A family-friendly, early spring event, Super Bowl-A-Thon happens at the Sister Bay Bowl.

Teams of four people collect pledges of $50.00 each from friends and families for bowling two games. Bowling goes on all day and teams can choose what time they want to participate. Includes drinks, snacks and an official Bowl-A-Thon t-shirt.

All proceeds benefit the young children and families of Northern Door Children’s Center.


The Curious Garden by Peter Brown - Story Hour at The Ridges

by Connie Erickson


8166 Hwy 57, Baileys Harbor

March 25, 2017

Join the Ridges Staff for Story Hour! We will be reading nature themed books, featuring local authors, and will accompany each story with a related craft to take home. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while visiting with us.  DETAILS!

Family Art in Fish Creek

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsFAMILY ART AT PENINSULA SCHOOL OF ART

3900 Co. F, Fish Creek

March 18, 2017

For families with children ages 3 – 17 years old, come and explore the techniques and themes of the current exhibit in the Guenzel Gallery, or create projects that are designed for our annual children’s exhibit.  READ MORE.... 


Door County Wine & Cheese Gala

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsDOOR COUNTY WINE & CHEESE GALA

Mr. G's Logan Creek Grill, Jacksonport

March 10, 2017

The Door County Wine and Cheese Gala is an elegant event that benefits the students of Southern Door Schools. Through providing scholarships, sponsoring leadership trainings and funding the district's Schoolyard Garden, the Southern Door FFA Alumni is dedicated to creating the future leaders of our communities. READ MORE....


Peninsula Players at Bjorklunden

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsPENINSULA PLAYERS AT BJORKLUNDEN

7590 Boynton Ln., Baileys Harbor

March 6, 2017

Mark your calendars for Peninsula Players winter play reading series, The Play’s the Thing! All play readings take place at Björklunden in Baileys Harbor at 7:00 p.m. and are free to the public.  READ MORE....


Student Exhibit at The Clearing

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsSTUDENT EXHIBIT AT THE CLEARING

12171 Garrett Bay Rd., Ellison Bay

March 4, 2017

The Winter Program Student Exhibit is the culmination of two months of creativity. Students from over 90 classes gather to create and display their work. The exhibit is free and everyone is welcome!  READ MORE....


Sturgeon Bay's Fire and Ice Festival

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsSTURGEON BAY'S FIRE AND ICE FESTIVAL

Sturgeon Bay

Feb. 18, 2017

The Sturgeon Bay Visitor Center is proud to host its annual Fire & Ice Festival Saturday, February 18, 2017.

All the fun begins at 9 a.m. with a citywide ice and snow carving competition featuring novice, intermediate, advanced, and professional artists.  DETAILS!


Celebrating Winter on Washington Island

by Connie Erickson


Washington Island

Feb. 14, 2017

Take part in a week long celebration of ice and snow with food, fun, adventure and entertainment. Sample chili entries for $5 at the annual Chili Cook Off, enter a photo contest, or register with the Lions Club to participate in the Fishing Derby and more! Don't forget the local food specials, bake sales, live music, Island Players performances, and more!  DETAILS!

Candlelight Ski, Hike Snowshoe at Newport State Park

by Connie Erickson

google map to real pro systemsCANDLELIGHT SKI, HIKE, SNOWSHOE

Newport State Park

Feb. 11, 2017

One mile trail lit by homemade candles. Hot cocoa and cookies in the picnic shelter after. Start at Lot 3.  DETAILS!

Displaying blog entries 181-190 of 712




Contact Information

Photo of Connie Erickson Real Estate
Connie Erickson
Door County Realty, Shorewest, REALTORS®
10580 Country Walk Dr., #12
Sister Bay WI 54234

These Are Connie Erickson's Core Values

The Best In Personal Service