Fish Creek's Summer Festival!

Join the Fish Creek Summer Festival celebration at Clark Park!
Festivities begin at noon on July 2, 2011 with games, food and fun for the entire family until 10 p.m. when fireworks take to the night sky.
1st Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest!
Have your fill all day long with tasty summer favorites. Local nonprofit and business groups will have concession stands in Clark Park. Look for hot popcorn and melt-in-your mouth cotton candy from the Northern Door Children’s Center, fresh squeezed lemonade from the Friends of Ephraim Gibraltar Airport, roasted corn on the cob from the YMCA’s Strong Kids Campaign, and juicy wedges of watermelon from the Gibraltar Historical Association. Additional food and beverage selections available from the Gibraltar School Booster Club. Beer will be available from the Fish Creek Civic Association.
Be sure to bring blankets and chairs to enjoy fireworks along Fish Creek’s waterfront at 10 p.m.
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