Door County Median Home Price Up in October

According to the Door County Board of REALTORS, Door County median home price for the month of October increased 40% from $150,000 in October 2012 to $210,000 in October 2013. The volume of sales through the month of October decreased 15.7% from 51 sales in 2012 to 43 in 2013.
Overall, based on the quarterly Door County real estate market statistics, Door County’s real estate market has been running neck to neck with 2012’s market. A notable increase is the number of waterfront homes in Northern Door (properties in Sevastopol, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Baileys Harbor, Ephraim, Sister Bay, Ellison Bay and Gills Rock) up by 17 sales through the third quarter of 2013. For details, see my Door County Real Estate Market Report.