Door County Real Estate Sales Increase in July!

Door County real estate sales increase in July!
According to the Wisconsin REALTORS Association (WRA), home sales in the State rose 17.3% in July and the median price increased 2.1%. The stats compare July 2012 sales to July 2011 sales. The WRA reports a total 6,023 home sales in Wisconsin during this past July compared to 5,133 in July of 2011. The median price of the homes that sold was $143,000 in July 2012 and $140,000 in 2011. (1).
In Door County, we saw a large increase in the median price for the July sales in 2012 compared to last July….$199,000 (July 2012) vs. $138,100 (July 2011) and the number of sales this July was up slightly, 29 compared to 27. (2).
(1) Gores, P., Aug. 20, 2012, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
(2) Door County Multiple Listing Statistics retrieved from the Door County Board of REALTORS on Aug. 24, 2012.