Selling Tip #4 - Paint and Carpet Fact

Selling Tip #4
Paint and Carpet Fact
Paint is the best improvement that you can make for getting a good return on your money for a small amount of investment. A freshly painted home smells clean and looks neat. Also, color is in style at this time.
If your house has chipped paint, exposed wood, or the paint looks faded, it is time to do something about it. If your carpet is worn, dirty or outdated or an unusual color, you need to seriously consider replacing it. Many sellers will say that they do not want to replace it, because they, as sellers, will choose something the buyers do not want. This cannot be further from the truth, get rid of the old and update with the new. Giving an allowance does not work.
Buyers choose to buy or not buy based upon just what you show them in your home. They don’t pay top dollars for possibilities. They simply buy elsewhere.
If painting is not necessary in your home, then usually, touch up is necessary. Look for the areas where there are nicks in the wall or black marks where something has hit against the wall. Paint over those areas, so the whole house looks brand new.