Why it is important to test for RADON

Over the last few years, I have been surprised to find out that Door County has the second highest concentration rate of RADON in the State of WI. Because of that, we had a tradesman inspector, Gene Sunstrom, come and speak to our sales meeting this past week.
Gene can perform a RADON inspection along with his tradesman inspection for $120. If you just order a RADON inspection from Gene, the cost is $180.
Recently I had a home with a RADON content higher that 4 pic. The Buyer and Seller decided that we would retest, and the retest also showed an unacceptable level. I learned in our sales meeting that Gene has found that retesting rarely comes in at a lower level. To do a long term test, the kit must remain in the house for 90 days.
I also learned that a empty house will have a higher RADON count than a house that is currently inhabited. Because we have so much limestone in Door County, the RADON, which is decomposing the uranium, has a tendency to move towards the cracked rock and seep into a person’s home.
Last year, 91,000 people died of lung cancer in the United States. While it can’t be attributed only to RADON, in some cases, RADON is probably the reason for it.
Gene is equipped with testing kits which can provide the results of the test expeditiously, and also email them out quickly. If the test results return at an unacceptable level, the cost of mitigation, usually, is $1,200 +/-.
Click here to see the high Radon areas in the State of WI, the RADON measurements by County and Zip Code (yellow indicates traces, blue indicated medium count, and red is the highest), a picture of from where the RADON comes, and a picture of the exterior pipe needed for the mitigation system to vent outside.
If you desire more information, or would like a RADON test, I highly recommend Gene Sunstrom. You can request a RADON test on his Internet site at SecondOpiniondc.net